Climate Candidate Running for 26th District Senate Seat

With an emphasis on climate change issues, ethics reform and big corporate influence concerns, April Moore is running against three-term 26th District State Senator Mark Obenshain.

April Moore announced her candidacy on March 8, 2015, at the Rockingham County Administration Building in Harrisonburg. Watch it here:


Bob Corso interviewed April for WHSV’s 1on1 on July 14, 2015. Watch it here:


ObenshainInterviewMark Obenshain had his turn with Bob Corso on July 17. Click on the image at right to view this 1on1 interview.


WMRA’s Andrew Jenner covered April’s candidacy announcement on March 17, 2015, here: Shenandoah Co. Writer & Activist to Challenge Sen. Obenshain.

Martha Woodroof interviewed April for WMRA’s The Spark on August 15, 2013: The Earth Connection.

The election is on November 3, 2015.